Thursday, April 29, 2010

We got this bike trailer here - the Gold Mine. AKA The GM or my "favorite boutique" as one of my girlfriends call it. It is a secondhand store, but it is of the amazing variety. It has been lauded in Vanity Fair, and is the go-to place for all of our town's wealthy residents to drop off their not-so-junk. Just last week there were 3 newish J.Crew dresses for $15 each! Lucky for my wallet they were not in my size...Anyway, we are so thrilled we found a bike trailer for Peanut because these suckers are really expensive brand new, this one is in great shape, and we will use it all the time to go into town to concerts and visit friends. Now we just need it to stop snowing/raining and warm up!

Last night I met up with some girlfriends for dinner at the Ketchum Grill. Superyummy and we were able to enjoy on the perks of living in a ski town - slack restaurant specials! Most of the restaurants (that stay open) offer local slack specials to entice us poorer folk to come in and eat their tasty, expensive food.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Quiet weekend. Too cold to do anything exciting. This afternoon we went over to see the cousins. And use their swing.

And use their motorcycle to get Wyatt excited about vroom vrooming.

On another note, I found this wonderful hanger. It's from ikea. I have to confess I have only been to an ikea once, in Seattle. I bought lampshades that didn't fit some amazing silver lamps I still have. I attempted to use some duct tape and wire to make the lamp shades fit but it never worked and I trashed them. I would never trash this hanger.

Friday, April 23, 2010

These little children received handmade dolls from a really great organization, Real Hope for Haiti. You can tell what an incredible treat it was! Isn't this little guy precious? It had me in tears when I thought about how these dolls are probably their only possessions. So sweet.
It makes you realize how much you have...and how little you need. Case in point: Wyatt has boxes full of toys. Gifts, hand-me-downs, some of my old toys...but he has a favorite. This:

He loves our dyson. I mean, claps when he sees it, follows it around, crawls over to the cleaning closet to find it and is generally a huge fan. It motivates me to vacuum more because he is so ecstatic about it, so our floors are happier too. It doesn't take much. And this thing turns like a dream.
Here's hoping for some nice weather so we can get Peanut outside more!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Park + Pool

Today we went to the pool (and I got pictures). It was outside, but the pool was toasty warm. Yes, we were skiing outside yesterday (note ski runs in background) and today we were swimming outside. We also went to the swings yesterday at our little tiny city park. Mini-size. Just like Wyatt. Only working part-time in the mornings is a blessing in disguise! Look at all the fun we're having.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today we went to the pool with my friend Laura and her kids. Her son is Peanut's bff. Probably because we make them spend a lot of time together, and they are in the same home daycare. I got in trouble for taking pictures so we only got these pre-swim shots but I think they convey Peanut's apprehension. He was nervous! He clung to Mom for the first 20 minutes, but then started to have some fun splashing around. He drank a bunch of water but ended up having a great time. More pool time to come!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Olympic Glory

Today Wyatt met his first Olympian, Graham Watanabe. Graham competed in snowboarding in Nagano and Vancouver and made his hometown very proud. Today was a little meet-n-greet with him, and Wyatt couldn't think of anything better than to put his hand in his mouth.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Peanut is ten months old today. As I was putting away even more clothes that he has outgrown, I realized that I did so much preparation for having a baby, but soon I will have a little kid, and I haven't really thought about that. I mean, I read every book and had every piece of gear that you would need for a baby, but in all my thinking I never thought about what it would be like to have a kid older than say, 9 months! We're well on the path and it is great. He is almost walking and gets cuter every day.

Here we are at the "big" grocery store the other day. He loves looking around at everything and he doesn't miss a beat.

The bridge by our house. We've been going for some BOB's, but it is still chilly!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Little Loves

We are still getting absolutely nowhere with the wedding planning. I think I may be putting it off because I don't want to make any decisions. If I make a decision , then I can't go back and do something different! There are so many wonderful design ideas I find, I can't imagine just doing one. I am notoriously bad at decisions. Hence my son having no name for a week after he was born, and his Dad finally just picking (the right) one.

I love this tablescape. It is fun and flirty and a little different. I am obsessed with paper party balls and these are a little more elegant.
pics: 1,, 2, viceroy palm springs, 3,, 4,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I can't believe I forgot to include this one in my easter post!

Monday, April 5, 2010


For Easter Wyatt and I went to Boise. I was in search of some good weather, so we could go to the park and take some walks. It rained! It was cold! We spent a lot of time inside. Our big adventures were Church on Sunday and Target. Wyatt loves going places and he was really stoked because these were all "new" places for him. When we got home Dad said our Easter outfit made him look like a Seattle Seahawks coach from the 80's. I said that was okay.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dreaded Florals and a Shower

I am most definitely NOT a floral person. The Liberty of London collection that is currently at Target could change my mindset. The peacock print is to die for! They also have dresses and rainboots and flip flops and tableware, but let's not get carried away.

I had to share this Master Bath we are doing as part of a remodel. The house was built in 1990 and was one of the best in the area, and it recently sold for around 3 mil. THIS! Luckily we are gutting this bathroom - minimalist tub/shower to come.