Thursday, April 28, 2011

Peanut Update

Here is Wyatt trying out his skis - the night before he hit the magic carpet. He would have slept with those skis if we would have let him.

 Here is a photo of Wyatt and some of his bestest buddies at their school's spring music program. Zero words came out of his mouth, he was in awe of everything going on around him the whole time. I do consider it a success because there were no tears and he stayed up front the whole time!
 Wyatt eats broccoli and baby green beans. Evidence.
 Wyatt and Grandma. Grandma and Grandpa came for Easter and provided a great day of breakfast, easter egg hunting at church and babysitting so Mom and Dad could go skiing.
His new bike. HUGE hit.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Only one more week! We are planning a watching party, even though we will most likely have seen her dress, etc splashed all over the media earlier that day

 These cookies provide some inspiration, although I'm not going to go crazy and do a Kate cookie, I might take a stab at some Union Jack sugar cookies. Yum!

This Slim Aarons photograph epitomizes spring in a ski town. People are swimming, but there is still snow everywhere. And it might have snowed last night! Ugh! It's such a tease. But you will notice all the people having fun in the background,which is what the end of ski season is all about.
 On an unrelated note, I might have found a use for all of Jon's used motorcycle tires that are hanging out behind our garage trailer-park style. Maybe even grow some veggies in them!