Friday, May 27, 2011

Dr Diagnosis - New Sunglasses

Saw the eye doctor this morning, he said I have UV damage and that it is inflamed, if it gets any worse they will have to take invasive measures. Ick! I would love to take this diagnosis and splurge on some great new sunglasses, but I think I can only afford this first pair from F21. Too bad, MARC, Dolce, Tom Ford and Oakley...

all photos nordstrom except #1, Forever 21

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Whew! I am a bad blogger. I know it isn't rocket science, and I am working more these days, but I think there are 2 culprits. 1) I enjoy reading everyone else's blog way too much. 2) Peanut is impossible to photograph these days. He is all over the place, grabbing at the camera, and generally I need my hands free when I am around him. That said, he does have a 2nd Birthday coming up so we will try to get some good pics of this occasion.
Meanwhile, here are some things I am too busy looking at on other people's blogs:

 Giant balloons with dangly ribbon and metallic sparklies? Yes!

So true! (for me)

 The felt flowers are a reoccurring theme. I need something to jazz up my ugly white metal cruiser bike basket, and I think these are it. Now to pick a color...and actually follow-through and do it!
 Cardboard planter. I love cardboard. Ever since we had to make a cardboard chair a la Frank Gehry in school, I have loved furniture made from cardboard. And cutting it is not easy - so I have respect for those perfectly razor-sharp edges.
 I'm ready to do another painting. What I really should be doing is studying, so doing another painting will be my reward for finally taking my last 2 tests.