Thursday, May 27, 2010

same old

Nothing new around here. It is still snowing/raining/cold/sunny all in the same day. See below:

Snow and it is almost June.

This is how Peanut sleeps. Head in corner. Bottoms up. Clutching blankie. Once I figured out he wanted to sleep on his tummy both of our lives became a lot easier. I know you are supposed to put your baby "back to sleep" but after a couple months it just wasn't working. Now he sleeps all the way through the night and so do I!

1 comment:

  1. Look at my little guy!! He is after my own heart! I am a tummy sleeper and if you put me on my back I get cranky too! I can't believe how big he looks in his crib now! I remember when you could barely find him in there he was so tiny!!
