Monday, June 21, 2010

super extreme

Wow. TLC has a new show, "Extreme Poodles". I don't even know what to say. As my parents are the owners of an amazing, big, white poodle this is almost horrific. Theo would not approve. He is way too manly of a dog to let someone dress him up like a fishtank. Or a rooster. At least it is someone else's poodle! I don't think I can actually watch this show, but I did find some examples on google. This brings to mind the phrase, "why dogs bite people". I must admit the Budweiser poodle is kind of funny.

images studiomarcy, photooutpost,


  1. I watched an episode and was near tears! Those poor poddles! Theo would never ever forgive us! I must say the Nijia Turtle one is pretty dang funny tho!

  2. I agree, the Bud one is pretty cute and it least it looks semi-normal. I do like the peacock on though. Poor dogs! My dog gives me the death stare every time I try to put like sunglasses or a headband on her, I wonder what these poor dogs are thinking! Plus, what do the owners do once the competition is over, shave them?
